English dictionary - m - mo

mortgage payments Swedishbetalning av räntor
mortgages Swedishinteckningar
mortification Swedishförödmjukelse, harm, kallbrand
mortify Swedishangripas av kallbrand, förödmjuka, kränka
mortise Swedishtapphål
mortmain Swedishbesittning för evig tid
mortuary Swedishbårhus
mosaic Swedishmosaik
Moscow SwedishMoskva
mosey Swedishdunsta
moslem Swedishmuselman
mosque Swedishmoské
mosquito Swedishmygga
mosquito bite Swedishmyggbett
mosquito bites Swedishmyggbett
mosquito stick Swedishmyggstift
mosquito-ridden Swedishmalariasjuk
mosquitos Swedishmyggor
moss Swedishmossa
mossy Swedishmossig
most Swedishde flesta
most beautiful Swedishvackrast
most buildings Swedishde flesta byggnader
most common Danishmest almindelig
most countries Swedishde flesta länder
most days Swedishde flesta dagarna
most kids get proper meals Swedishde flesta barn får ordentlig mat
most known Swedishmest välkänd
most likely Swedishtroligen
most of Swedishde flesta av
most of all Swedishallra mest
most of as Swedishde flesta av oss
most of the good Swedishden mesta maten
most of the time Swedishför det mesta
most of them Swedishde flesta
most of us do Swedishde flesta av oss har det
most particulary Swedishalldeles speciellt
most people Swedishde flesta människor
most probably Swedishmed största sannolikhet
most recent Swedishsenaste
most things Swedishde flesta saker
most times Swedishför det mesta
most twins Swedishde flesta tvillingar
most widely Swedishi störst utsträckning
most-favoured nation Swedishmest gynnad nation
Spanishnación más favorecida
Czechdoložka nejvyšších výhod
Danishmestbegunstiget nation
Greekμάλλov ευvooύμεvo κράτoς
Frenchnation la plus favorisée
Italiannazione più favorita
Hungarianlegnagyobb kedvezményes elbánás
Dutchmeest bevoorrechte natie
Polishkraj największego uprzywilejowania
Portuguesenação mais favorecida
Sloveniandržava z največjimi ugodnostmi
Finnishsuosituimmuusasemassa oleva maa
Latvianvislielākās labvēlības režīms
moster Swedishauntie
mostly Swedishför det mesta
mostly cloudy Swedishmestadels molnigt
mote Swedishdammkorn
motel Swedishmotell
moth Swedishmal
mothballs Swedishmalkulor
mother Polishmatka
GermanMutter, Mama
Spanishmadre, mama
mother of pearl GermanPerlemutter
mother ship Swedishmoderfartyg
mother snake Swedishmamma orm
mother tongue Swedishmodersmål
Spanishlengua materna
Czechmateřský jazyk
Greekμητρική γλώσσα
Frenchlangue maternelle
Italianlingua materna
Polishjęzyk ojczysty
Portugueselíngua materna
Latviandzimtā valoda