1. Personliga och possessiva pronomen

The exercise was created 2023-06-21 by jannem75. Question count: 8.

Select questions (8)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Jag är din vän. Du gillar mig. I am your friend. You like me.
  • Du är hennes bror. Hon gillar dig. You are her brother. She likes you.
  • Han är vår chef. Vi gillar honom. He is our boss. We like him.
  • Hon är er syster. Ni älskar henne. She is your sister. You love her.
  • Det är deras bok. De gillar den. It is their book. They like it.
  • Vi är hans föräldrar. Han älskar oss. We are his parents. He loves us.
  • Ni är dess stjärnor. Det är beroende av er. You are its stars. It depends on you.
  • De är mina klasskamrater. Jag gillar dem. They are my classmates. I like them.

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