10 Why I was late BAS och EXTRA

The exercise was created 2023-12-10 by 10385. Question count: 21.

Select questions (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • is looking tittar
  • alarm clock väckarklocka
  • next to bredvid
  • I overslept jag försov mig
  • wake me up väcka mig
  • silly dum
  • hurry up skynda mig
  • finally slutligen
  • catches tar, fångar
  • knocks on knackar på
  • I'm sorry jag ber om ursäkt
  • stayed up var uppe
  • need behöver
  • should bör
  • for a good reason av ett bra skäl
  • stop reading sluta läsa
  • nowadays nuförtiden
  • I guess not antagligen inte
  • agree håller med
  • you made your point du har sagt vad du tycker
  • Mrs, Ms fru, fröken

All None

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