The exercise was created 2024-11-28 by ab02465. Question count: 61.

Select questions (61)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • posso disegnare un cerchio perfetto I can draw a perfect circle
  • come hai dormito? how did you sleep?
  • la gamba the leg
  • il ginocchio the knee
  • il muro the wall
  • è apesso al muro it is hanging on the wall
  • il sale the salt
  • è fatto di vetro it is made of glass
  • tutti erano felice, tranne me everyone was happy, except me
  • la pelle the skin
  • voglio indossare la tua pelle I want to wear your skin
  • il approccio the approach (but maybe not for volley? idk)
  • i passi the steps
  • ciao, aria della costa bye, aria della costa
  • un dito a finger
  • ero nell'angolo I was in the corner
  • l'uomo the man
  • dietro behind
  • nel supermercato c'era un uomo che... in the supermarket there was a man that...
  • la folla the crowd
  • l'ho perso I lost it
  • Finn è impazzito Finn went crazy
  • ho bisogno di una stringa o qualcosa del genere I need a string or something like that
  • il vetro the glass
  • vivo nella foresta I live in the forest
  • il muro era verde the wall was green
  • potresti mettermi del ghiaccio sul ginocchio? could you put som ice on my knee?
  • fa male? does it hurt?
  • il soggiorno the living room
  • vero? right?
  • i nostri nipoti non possono stare soli a casa our grandchildren can't stay alone at home
  • il maglione the sweater
  • fare shopping to shop
  • sporco dirty
  • dopodomani övermorgon
  • andare a letto go to bed
  • dritto straight
  • poi siamo andati in un bar then we went to a bar
  • guarda! look!
  • guarda! un gatto! look! a cat!
  • purtroppo unfortunately
  • dello stesso tipo of the same type
  • simile similar
  • è molto simile it is very similar
  • mi, ti, lo/la, ci, vi, li/le me, you, him/her, us, you, them
  • i libri the books
  • gli amici the friends
  • le case the houses
  • chi te l'ha dato? who gave it to you?
  • soft morbido (translate to english)
  • annoiato bored
  • magari maybe ((hopefully?))
  • la spiaggia the beach
  • le mie chiavi my keys
  • ascolta, senti listen (imperative!)
  • quasi almost
  • non ci ho pensato I haven't thought about it
  • non ci avevo pensato I hadn't thought about it
  • la razza the race (white/black/asian, or maybe rather animals?)
  • Lund ha una buona squadra Lund has a good team
  • chi ha vinto? who won?

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