2.Lean Development & Motivation

The exercise was created 2024-10-24 by blessing1. Question count: 29.

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  • Extrinsic Motivation Controlled motivation
  • Extrinsic Motivation Lower Motivational Quality
  • Intrinsic Motivation Autonomous Motivation
  • Intrinsic Motivation Higher Motivational Quality
  • Spectrum of Motivation Disinterested, External Motivational Outlook, Imposed Motivational Outlook, Aligned Motivational Outlook, Integrated Motivational Outlook, Inherent Motivational Outlook
  • Spectrum of Motivation- Extrinsic Disinterested, External Motivational Outlook, Imposed Motivational Outlook
  • Imposed Motivational Outlook Pressure, Avoiding Guilt, Shame, Fear
  • External Motivational Outlook Position, Power, Money, Status
  • Disinterested No Value, Waste of Time
  • Self-Determination Theory (SDT) A macro theory of human motivation evolved from research on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations.
  • Basic Psychological needs Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness
  • Autonomy Is our human need to perceive we have choices. We are the source of our actions.
  • Competence Is our need to feel effective at meeting everyday challenges and opportunities. It is feeling a sense of growth and flourishing.
  • Relatedness Is our need to care about and be cared about by others. Feel connected to others without concerns about ulterior motives. Contributing to something greater than ourselves.
  • Autonomy Support Meaningful Choices, Provide Rationale, Avoid Controlling Language, Careful With Rewards
  • Competence Support Design For Mastery, Optimal Challenge Structure For Development, Informational Feedback, Praise For Effort
  • Relatedness Support Convey Respect, Care & Concerne, Warmth & Inclusion, “My Manager Likes Me”
  • Self-regulation to protect ourselves- mindfully managing feelings, values and purpose for immediate and sustained positive effort.
  • Autonomy We are the source of our own actions
  • Competence Feeling of growth and flourishing
  • Relatedness Contributing to something greater than ourselves
  • Fulfilled Psychological needs lead to Wellbeing and Happiness
  • Marsh-mellow experiment Delayed Gratification (self-regulation)
  • Quality of Self-regulation depends on Environment and Experience
  • High quality regulation In a reliable, safe, and trusting working setting
  • Psychological Needs Fragile and rely on each other
  • Who undermines our needs? Workplaces
  • Psychological needs are not Drives, but the opposite
  • Inner drive is good but depending on Nature of the drive

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