7C Homework w 40 - At home: Some useful words

The exercise was created 2022-09-30 by SaloKBS. Question count: 26.

Select questions (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • apartment lägenhet
  • cottage stuga på landet
  • detached house fristående villa
  • flat lägenhet (BrE)
  • studio; bedsit enrummare
  • terraced house radhus
  • two-bedroom flat trerummare
  • balcony balkong
  • ceiling innertak
  • landing trappavsats
  • roof yttertak
  • attic vind
  • basement; cellar källare
  • ground floor bottenvåning
  • penthouse takvåning
  • top floor översta våningen
  • hallway korridor, hall
  • laundry tvättstuga
  • study arbetsrum
  • blinds rullgardin (BrE)
  • faucet kran (AmE)
  • light switch strömbrytare
  • power point/socket eluttag
  • radiator värmeelement
  • tap kran (BrE)
  • window sill fönsterbräda

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