Adjektiv (animals)

The exercise was created 2024-10-29 by asp06. Question count: 24.

Select questions (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • rich, richer, the richest rik, rikare, rikast
  • smart, smarter, the smartest smart smartare smartast
  • big, bigger, the biggest stor, större, störst
  • fat, fatter, the fattest fet, fetare, fetast
  • strong, stronger, the strongest stark, starkare, starkast
  • ugly, uglier, ugliest ful, fulare, fulast
  • old, older, the oldest gammal, äldre, äldst
  • dull, duller the dullest tråkig, tråkigare, tråkigast
  • slow, slower, the slowest sakta, saktare, saktast
  • cool, cooler, the coolest cool, coolare, coolast
  • kind, kinder, the kindest snäll, snällare, snällast
  • soft, softer, the softest mjuk, mjukare, mjukast
  • hard, harder, the hardest hårt, hårdare, hårdast
  • long, longer, the longest lång, längre, längst
  • late, later the latest sen, senare, senaste
  • hot, hotter, the hottest het, hetare, hetast
  • early, earlier, the earliest tidig, tidigare, tidigast
  • thin, thinner, the thinnest tunn, tunnare, tunnast
  • large, larger, the largest stor, större, störst
  • lazy, lazier, the laziest lat, latare, latast
  • tame, tamer, the tamest tam, tamare, tamast
  • wet, wetter, the wettest blöt, blötare, blötast
  • happy, happier, the happiest glad, gladare, gladast
  • fine, finer, the finest bra/okej, bättre, bäst

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