All about grammar II

The exercise was created 2024-05-05 by Sivertsson. Question count: 48.

Select questions (48)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • queations frågor
  • explain förklara
  • difference olikheter
  • answers svar
  • important viktig
  • understand förstå
  • which vilken
  • nouns substantiv
  • interview intervju
  • young ung
  • using använda
  • similar lika
  • actually faktiskt
  • action händelse
  • woman kvinna
  • how hur
  • notice uppmärksamma
  • remember komma ihåg
  • ready klar
  • below under
  • who vem
  • what vad
  • why varför
  • possible möjligt
  • different olika
  • other annat
  • welcome välkommen
  • classmates klasskamrater
  • write skriva
  • especially speciellt
  • sentence mening
  • language språk
  • better bättre
  • alone ensam
  • creative kreativ
  • evening kväll
  • midnight midnatt
  • make sure vara säker
  • through genom
  • thought tanke
  • piece bit
  • strips remsor
  • little liten
  • teammate lagkamrat
  • cost kosta
  • continue fortsätta
  • both båda
  • compleated färdig

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