At the railway station. (W.42)

The exercise was created 2013-10-14 by lindacallmyr. Question count: 8.

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  • Is it alright if I sit here? Går det bra om jag sitter här?
  • Don't worry, I can lend you some. Oroa dig inte, jag kan låna dig lite.
  • That's a good idea. Det är en bra idé.
  • Very well, thank you. Bra, tack.
  • You're welcome. Varsågod. (som svar på ett tack)
  • That's alright. Det gör inget.
  • I see it. Thanks very much. Jag ser den. Tack så mycket.
  • Pleased to meet you. Goddag. (Trevligt att träffas)

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