BAM words Unit 1

The exercise was created 2018-02-06 by Hanna321. Question count: 67.

Select questions (67)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Cooperative Producer or community cooperations, if you are a member you are one of the owners. The end mean is to get benefits from being a member. Meeting the common needs and aspirations of its members.
  • Triple bottom line Similar to CSR, some stakeholders are taken into consideration. Looks at the social and environmental or social impact of a company.
  • Enterprise Company
  • Free-market economy The opposite of planned economy. Everything doesn't have to be owned by the state, private ownership of property and businesses.
  • Fiscal policy State budget, handled by the politicians
  • Monetary policy Central bank, work with the interest rate.
  • Command economy Regulated by the state, planned economy
  • Sales turnover Sales * quantity, the amount we sell for. A measurement of performance
  • Trading record Past sales
  • Start-up Company being started. Can face economical problems, finding investors, creating a brand awareness
  • Shareholder value The benefits of being a shareholder, such as dividens, capital gain
  • Executive summary Summary towards the CEO, concentrated on the recommendations of what should and has been done.
  • Legal personality You are not your company, person and company are separated.
  • Social audit When we look at how we affect the social life of our employees, an investigation. E.g customer satisfaction, pollution levels or health & safety records
  • Continuity A problem for a sole trader because the company=the person. If the person dies the company doesn't go on.
  • Capital goods Goods that are used in production of other goods and services, such as machines.
  • Recession More than three months of negative growth in GDP, or very slow growth.
  • Opportunity costs The cost of the alternative that was not chosen
  • Alienation of workforce When you don't bring in the employees into the decision-making
  • Conglomerate diversification Going into a completely new industry that we have no knowledge of
  • Internal growth With our own resources
  • External growth With other companies, merging or cooperating
  • Strategic alliance Loosely knit, you cooperate sometimes
  • Protectionism Being against free trade, using barriers to prevent it.
  • Consumer goods physical, tangible goods sold to the general public. Both durable and non-durable
  • Consumer services Non-tangible products sold to the general public, such as insurance or tourism related services.
  • Primary sector Extracting natural resources for production, such as farming and fishing.
  • Secondary sector Manufacturing and processing natural resources into products, such as baking, clothing and construction work.
  • Tertiary sector Providing services to others, such as transport, retail, banking, tourism and insurances.
  • Quarternary sector Providing services connected to IT, such as R&D or consulting
  • Entrepreneur Someone who takes the financial risk of starting and managing a new company
  • Intrapreneur Someone within a large corporation who takes direct repsonsibility for turning an idea into a profitable concept using "entrapreneurial talents"
  • Business plan A written document that describes a business, with its objectives and strategies, its market and financial forecasts.
  • Private sector Businesses owned by individuals
  • Sole trader a business in which one person provides the permanent financial and thus has full control over the business and the profits
  • Partnership Business formed by two or more people to carry on a business together, with shared capital investment and responsibilities
  • Share a certificate connfirming part ownership of a company, entitling the owner to dividens and power over decision-making
  • Shareholder Individuals or institutons that own shares in a limited company
  • Private limited company Ltd Small company owned by shareholders, where shares cannot be issued to the general public
  • Public limited company Plc Larger company owned by shareholders, with legal right to sell shares to the general public
  • Social enterprise Business with an objective of benefiting society
  • Microfinance The provision of very small loans to entrepreneurs
  • Non-profit organisation An organisation with an objective other than making profit
  • NGO Non-governmental organisation, has a specific aim of e.g. advocating for human rights
  • Mission statement A statement of the business's core aims
  • Vision statement A statement of what the business wants to achieve long term
  • SMART specific, measurable, achieveable, realistic, time specific
  • Ethics Moral guidelines that determine decision-making
  • Ethical code of conduct A document detailing a company's rules and gudelines on staff behaviour
  • Stakeholder People or groups who can be affected by and thus have an interest in any action by an organisation
  • CSR Corporate social responsibility, considering the interests of society
  • Product development Selling new or developed products in existing market
  • Market development Selling existing product in new marjets
  • Diversification Selling different goods in new markets
  • STEEPLE Social, Technological, economic, environmental, political, legal and ethical factors that impact a business. A framework for analysing the external environmental factors.
  • IT information technology, the use of technology to gather, store and process information
  • Scale of operation The maximum output from the avaliable inputs
  • Economies of scale Decrease in average unit cost from an increase in scale of operations
  • Diseconomies of scale An increase in average unit costs when scale of operation is increased
  • Merger An agreement between businesses to bring both firms together under a common board
  • Takeover, acquisition When one company owns more than 50& of the shares in another and gains control.
  • Joint venture Multiple businesses work together on a project using a separate business division
  • Strategic alliance Agreement between firms to commit resources to reach a common objective
  • Franchise A business that uses the name, logo and trading system of an existing business.
  • Globalisation The growing integration of countries through increased freedom of global movement
  • Free trade No restrictions or trade barriers between countries
  • Multinational business Organisational that has its headquarters in one country whole operating in another

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