Brexit vocabulary

The exercise was created 2017-11-22 by Marcela99. Question count: 40.

Select questions (40)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Brexit Brexit
  • den inre marknaden the single market
  • utanförskap alienation
  • nationalism nationalism
  • röstning referendum
  • liberalism liberalism
  • kampanj campaign
  • inkluderande inclusive
  • europeiska unionen european union
  • övertygande persuasive
  • förhandlingar negotiations
  • förminska reduce
  • framlocka elicited
  • flyktingar refugees
  • fortlöpande continuity
  • immigration immigration
  • tvinga på impose
  • kopiera replicate
  • Stor britannien The United Kingdom
  • Trångsynthet, intolerans bigotry
  • motstånd, opposition the opposition
  • antagonistisk antagonistic
  • xenofobi xenophobia
  • stränghet austerity
  • finanspolitik financial policy
  • allmänbildning civic education
  • elit elite
  • tvetydighet, osäkerhet ambivalence
  • opinionsundersökning poll
  • nutida, modern contemporary
  • politiker politician
  • globalisering globalization
  • undersökning survey
  • leavers leavers
  • remaniers remaniers
  • berättelse narrative
  • uppfattning perception
  • suveränitet sovereignty
  • samarbete interaction
  • betyda signify

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