C Pushy Mum BAS + extra

The exercise was created 2018-01-25 by 10385. Question count: 31.

Select questions (31)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • pushy mum mamma som kör med sitt barn
  • bubbly sprudlande glad
  • lively livlig
  • centre centrum
  • forced tvinga
  • dream about drömma om
  • through genom
  • competition tävling
  • impressed imponerande
  • twice två gånger
  • complain klaga
  • free time fritid
  • chance möjlighet/tillfälle
  • week vecka
  • be the centre of attention stå i centrum
  • too shy alltför blyg
  • live out my dream leva ut min dröm
  • karaoke karaoke
  • spent spenderade
  • demo demo
  • a dream come true en dröm som blev sann
  • did quite well klarade sig ganska bra
  • didn´t reach the finals kom inte till final
  • professional professionell
  • twice a week två gånger i veckan
  • complain about klaga över
  • auditions provsjungningar
  • good chance bra möjlighet/ tillfälle
  • I go for it ger jag järnet
  • contest tävling
  • won vann

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