C5- Reflexiva verb gula alla former

The exercise was created 2021-02-02 by tarea. Question count: 6.

Select questions (6)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • att vakna despertarse, me despierto, te despiertas, se despierta, nos despertamos, os despertáis, se despiertan
  • att ta på sig ponerse, me pongo, te pones, se pone, nos ponemos, os ponéis, se ponen
  • att skynda sig darse prisa, me doy prisa, te das prisa, se da prisa, nos damos prisa, os dais prisa, se dan prisa
  • att lägga sig acostarse, me acuesto, te acuesta, se acuesta, nos acostamos, os acostáis, se acuestan
  • att dra iväg irse, me voy, te vas, se va, nos vamos, os vais, se van
  • att klä på sig vertirse, me visto, te vistes, se viste, nos vestimos, os vestís, se visten

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