Chapter 2

The exercise was created 2021-10-07 by MStagevik. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Först At first
  • Alls At all
  • Hela tiden All the time
  • Brukade Used to
  • Du måste You've got to
  • Sluta kalla honom dumma saker Stop calling him names
  • Uppföra sig Behave
  • Inse Realise
  • Såra, göra ledsen Hurt
  • Låta bli, sluta Stop myself
  • samtidigt At the same time
  • Beundra, se upp till Admire
  • som That
  • Gjorde oss klara Got ready
  • Borsta Brush
  • Sovsäck Sleeping bag
  • Knackning Knock
  • Löjlig Ridiculous
  • Kramdjur Cuddly toy
  • Mitt livs chock The shock of my life
  • Rakt fram till Straight over to
  • Med en hög röst In a loud voice
  • Du behöver inte No need to
  • Ensam Lonely
  • Ta hand om Look after
  • Stoppa om Tuck in
  • Chockad Stunned
  • Mitt i In the middle of
  • Svag Faint
  • Gav mig en läxa, lärde mig en läxa Taught me a lesson

All None

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