Chapter 3-4

The exercise was created 2021-12-03 by MStagevik. Question count: 24.

Select questions (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Öster East
  • Aveny, Bred gata Avenue
  • Frihetsgudinnan The Statue of Liberty
  • Delvis Partly
  • Löpa, Run
  • Hamn Harbour
  • Invånare Inhabitant
  • Generad Embarrassed
  • Tveka Hesitate
  • Irländare Irishman
  • Utlänning foreigner
  • Koppel Leash
  • Brev Letter
  • Kuvert Envelope
  • Ingen aning No idea
  • Själv Myself
  • Del, bit piece
  • Varm korv Hot dog
  • Situation Situation
  • Måste hållas kopplad Must be kept on a leash
  • Sätta fast vid Attach to
  • Ringa, Ringa ett samtal Make a call
  • Korv Banger
  • Frimärke Stamp

All None

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