Chapter 4 Hawaii - here we come!

The exercise was created 2023-11-09 by ENGAB. Question count: 35.

Select questions (35)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • an island en ö
  • near intill, nära
  • hundreds hundratals
  • sea turtle havssköldpadda
  • nests bon
  • part of del av
  • the Sea Turtle Research Team forskningsteamet för havssköldpaddor
  • job arbete
  • ever någonsin
  • important viktig, viktigt
  • endangered hotade
  • Honu hawaiisk grön havssköldpadda
  • hatch kläckas
  • fabulous fantastisk
  • I can't wait! Jag kan inte vänta!
  • thousands tusentals
  • kilometres kilometer
  • the same samma
  • were born föddes
  • dig gräver
  • lay lägger
  • tiring tröttsamt
  • about ungefär
  • stay ligger kvar
  • all alone helt ensamma
  • clear klar
  • moonlight månsken
  • is boiling kokar
  • for days i dagar
  • tiny pyttesmå
  • burst out väller fram
  • rush rusar
  • towards mot
  • are beginning börjar
  • sight syn

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