Chapter 7

The exercise was created 2025-01-28 by Issemcfly. Question count: 19.

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  • Learning is a relative permanent change in behavior as a result of experience
  • Habituation is the reduction and then lack of response to a stimulus over time due to repeated occurence, such as loud noises
  • The synapse , which is located between 2 neurons is believed to play a big role in learning and memory
  • Rapid learning that occurs in young animals during a short period which gives long lasting effects Imprinting
  • Small protuberances on a dendrite that typically recieves synaptic inputs Dendritic spines
  • A behaviour becomes more likely due to the presentation of a stimulus, such as food Positive reinforcement
  • A behaviour becomes more likely due to the removal of a stimulus, such as pain Negative reinforcement
  • A behaviour becomes less likely due to the presentation of a stimulus Positive punishment
  • A behaviour becomes less likely due to the removal of a stimulus Negative punishment
  • Operant conditioning in other words Trial-and-error learning
  • A graphical presentation of progress, such as a decline in errors over time in a individual Learning curve
  • Learning by observing others Social learning
  • Individuals look out for other foraging individuals as a cue to the location of food Local enhancement
  • Knowledge obtained from others about the quality of a resource is called public information
  • Teaching is the active participation of an experienced individual in facilitating learning by a naive conspecific
  • Differences in behaviour that are transmitted between generations through social learning are called behavioural traditions
  • Differences in multiple traditions may be evidence of broader differences among populations, or animal culture
  • Cognition is broadly defined as the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of information for decision-making.
  • Large brains, despite their costs, provide survival benefits through flexible behaviours that are learned. Cognitive buffer hypothesis

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