Chapter 8B: Enjoy your meal!

The exercise was created 2022-03-29 by glosormedanna. Question count: 35.

Select questions (35)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • sugen på keen on
  • åka utomlands go abroad
  • resa trip
  • får sheep
  • mage stomach
  • fylla stuff
  • lever liver
  • hjärta heart
  • visst true
  • Frankrike France
  • smör butter
  • mexikansk Mexican
  • gräshoppa grasshopper
  • gilla fancy
  • Kina China
  • dålig bad
  • krokodil crocodile
  • jag ska I'm going to
  • allvarlig serious
  • användbar useful
  • mask worm
  • larv grub
  • liten insekt bug
  • saker stuff
  • inte undra på att no wonder
  • giftig poisonous
  • japansk Japanese
  • en enda a single
  • hur man gör i ordning den how to prepare it
  • kock chef
  • måste have to
  • licens license
  • testa det try it out
  • huvudrätt main course
  • koka boil

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