Cocaine Cowboys: vocabulary

The exercise was created 2017-09-19 by Peking71. Question count: 20.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • distribute dela ut; distribuera
  • pleasant behaglig
  • flourish blomstra
  • thrive utvecklas; trivas
  • gun runner vapensmugglare
  • drug runner drogsmugglare
  • The transaction took place in our backyard Affären ägde rum i vår bakgård
  • The conflict got to the point that Harry had to call the police. Konflikten gick så långt att Harry var tvungen att ringa polisen
  • flamboyant praktfull
  • We eventually had to call off the search because of bad weather Vi var till sist tvungna att avbryta sökandet på grund av dåligt väder
  • He is credited with having rescued his mother from drowning Han tar åt sig äran för att ha räddat sin mor från att drukna
  • authorities myndigheter
  • Florida is awash in drugs Florida druknar i droger
  • fatal dödlig
  • The study indicates that drug use has gone down Studien tyder på att droganvändning har gått ned.
  • He owns a high-end night club on South Beach Han äger en exklusiv nattklubb på South Beach
  • Juliette has been convicted of cocaine trafficking Juliette har blivit dömd för kokainsmuggling
  • I must deposit 500 dollar at my bank Jag måste sätta in 500 dollar i min bank
  • The police have managed to eradicate crime in our neighborhood Polisen har lyckats uplåna brott i vår område
  • account berättelse

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