Culture studies 1

The exercise was created 2024-01-26 by martinhogberg. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • hälsa greet
  • uppträdande performance
  • lykta lantern
  • fyrverkerier fireworks
  • utbildning education
  • ta för givet take for granted
  • ha gemensamt have in common
  • syskon sibling
  • erbjuda offer
  • ämne subject
  • smaka taste
  • kamp struggle
  • neka deny
  • barnarbete child labour
  • fattigdom poverty
  • från morgon till kväll from dusk till dawn
  • soptipp rubbish dump
  • strid battle
  • klaga complain
  • oavsett no matter
  • jämfört med compared to
  • användbar useful
  • tävling competition
  • medkänsla compassion
  • förväntas att supposed to
  • närvara attend
  • anmärkningsvärd remarkable
  • smälta melt
  • förorening pollution
  • hot threat

All None

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