Duolingo 1

The exercise was created 2024-06-22 by Kune. Question count: 112.

Select questions (112)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • hij it, he
  • ze she, they, it, them
  • eet eats, am eating, is eating, are eating, eat
  • drink drink, drinking, am drinking
  • drinkt is drinking, drinks, drinking
  • het the, it, it'll
  • ben am, are
  • bent are
  • je you, your
  • we we
  • eten food, eating, are eating, eat
  • jullie your (plural), you (plural)
  • drinken drink, are drinking
  • lezen reading, read, are reading
  • zijn have been, supposed, be, his, its
  • dat that, those
  • hebben having, have, are
  • hebt have
  • heb have
  • heeft does (...) have, has
  • spreken speak, are speaking
  • lees am reading
  • spreekt speaks, speak
  • leest read, reads, is reading
  • doei bye
  • dag hello, day, bye
  • tot ziens see you later, goodbye
  • hoi hello
  • dank je wel thanks
  • alsjeblieft please
  • het spijt me i am sorry
  • dank je thanks
  • hoe gaat het how is it going
  • spreek speak
  • middageten lunch
  • ontbijt breakfast
  • avondeten dinner
  • wij us, we
  • wel indeed, really
  • zij she, they
  • jurk dress
  • draagt wears
  • draag am wearing
  • rok skirt
  • dragen wear, are wearing
  • pak suit
  • loopt walks, is walking
  • lopen walk, are walking
  • schrijf write
  • schrijft writing, writes
  • schrijven write, writing
  • loop am walking
  • kookt is boiling, cooks
  • koken cook, cooking
  • zwemmen swim, swimming
  • zwem swim, am swimming
  • kook cooking, boiling
  • zwemt swims, swim
  • slapen sleep, sleeping
  • slaap sleep, am sleeping
  • kom coming, am coming
  • komt arrives
  • komen come
  • slaapt is sleeping
  • wilt want, wants
  • speel playing, am playing
  • speelt is playing
  • spelen play, playing
  • wil wants, wants to
  • willen want, want to
  • horen hear
  • zie see
  • zien see, seeing
  • ziet sees
  • hoor hear, hearing
  • hoort hear, hears
  • kennen know, knowing
  • gaan are going, go
  • geven are giving
  • licht light, bright
  • zwaar heavy
  • makkelijk easy
  • leuk fun, nice
  • moeilijk difficult
  • leeg empty
  • zoals like, as
  • rustig quietly, peacefully
  • hem him, it
  • haar her, hair, its
  • hun their, them
  • hen them, their
  • want because
  • iedereen everyone
  • iemand someone
  • iets something
  • men one, you (generic)
  • alles everything
  • weinig not (...) much
  • veel a lot of
  • verschillende various
  • sommige some
  • allerlei all kinds of
  • alle all
  • elk all
  • enkel only, single
  • ieder any, each
  • wat something
  • enig any
  • paar pair, some
  • familie family
  • vriendin friend (female), girlfriend, friend
  • vriend friends, boyfriend

All None

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