eng blabbermounth

The exercise was created 2024-02-27 by swagtilde. Question count: 22.

Select questions (22)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • blabbermouth ung, pratkvarn
  • huge enorm
  • district område
  • newcomer nykomling
  • dribble dregla
  • manners uppförande
  • bum baken
  • permission tillstånd
  • hand round skicka runt
  • anxiously nervöst
  • screw up knipa med
  • sign language teckenspråk
  • special school specialskola
  • leak läcka
  • yours sincerely er tillgivne
  • nudge puffa med armbågen
  • smirky fånigt, tillgjort
  • chorus säga i kör
  • humiliating förnedrande
  • grin flin
  • ginger rödblond
  • smirk flin

All None

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