Eng glosor v. 10-11

The exercise was created 2022-03-10 by Annapannalundell. Question count: 21.

Select questions (21)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • particle partikel
  • instincts instinkter
  • adjourned uppskjutet, avslutat
  • sensational sensationell, uppseendeväckande
  • acrobat akrobat
  • assemble samla
  • gruffly grymt
  • quiver skaka, darra
  • admiration beundran
  • advertise annonsera
  • aeronaut flygare
  • foundation grund
  • dung djurbajs
  • lash piska, surra
  • orb klot
  • radiant strålande
  • remarkable anmärkningsvärd
  • romp skoja, stoja
  • snare snara
  • thrash slå, ta sönder, förstöra
  • triumphantly triumferande

All None

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