eng np ord fraser

The exercise was created 2024-05-06 by nulla. Question count: 22.

Select questions (22)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • thats required som krävs
  • dignified värdig
  • dependents anhöriga
  • no one player ingen kan ensam
  • ensure that försäkra att
  • garment plagg
  • joint efforts gemensamma ansträngningar
  • labour costs arbetskostnader
  • unsustainable ohållbar
  • transition övergång
  • performance enhancing prestationshöjande
  • endorsement förstärkning
  • an incentive en drivkraft
  • the benefits outweigh the penalties fördelarna väger tyngre än straffen
  • alluring lockande
  • to level the playing field rättvisa ut spelandet
  • genetic inequality genetisk ojämlikt
  • their notion of fairness deras känsla för rättvisa
  • to designate att utse
  • allotted tilldelade
  • regardless of oavsett
  • cooperate sammarbeta

All None

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