Engelska - glosor v.41

The exercise was created 2021-10-11 by Kniven007. Question count: 25.

Select questions (25)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • förorena pollute
  • avfall waste
  • förorena, smitta ner contaminate
  • hel, hela entire
  • bekräfta confirm
  • inverkan, påverkan impact
  • rester, lämningar remains
  • tillstånd, skick condition
  • ytterst viktigt, avgörande crucial
  • forskningsresultat findings
  • värdera, bedöma, analysera assess
  • arter species
  • förändra alter
  • koldioxid carbon dioxide
  • framhäva highlight
  • tyda på indicate
  • praktiskt taget virtually
  • siffra figure
  • avlägsen remote
  • betydelsefull significant
  • anpassa sig till adapt to
  • skadlig, farlig harmful
  • bryta ner, brytas ner degrade
  • miljö environment
  • orsak cause

All None

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