Engelska glosor Vecka 6

The exercise was created 2022-02-10 by sofiacampbell. Question count: 43.

Select questions (43)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • addicted to beroende av
  • refine raffinera
  • gasoline bensin
  • downside nackdel
  • carbon dioxide koldioxid
  • emission utsläpp
  • dependence beroende
  • addiction beroende
  • transformation förändring
  • shortage brist
  • raw material råvara
  • depleted utarmad/kraftigt minskad
  • pure ren
  • well brunn/borrad källa
  • seep sippra/droppa
  • creek å/bäck
  • remedy botade
  • flammable lättantändlig
  • investor investerare
  • former föredetta
  • venture djärv satsning
  • stampede rusning
  • decade årtionde
  • efficent effektiv
  • century århundrade
  • discovery upptäckt
  • prove visa sig
  • exploration utforskning
  • embargo handelsförbud/stop
  • punish bestraffa
  • rationing ransonering
  • invade invadera
  • increasing ökande
  • demand efterfrågan
  • booming economy blomstrande ekonomi
  • impact inverkan
  • environment miljö
  • reduce minska
  • reliance on beroende av/tilltro till
  • research forskning
  • sustainable hållbar
  • sustainability hållbarhet
  • eco-friendly miljövänlig

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