Engelska vecka 42 Åk 8A & 8B

The exercise was created 2019-10-09 by zusanne. Question count: 30.

Select questions (30)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Efter After
  • Fastän Although
  • Medan As
  • Sedan, eftersom Since
  • Medan While
  • Ändå Yet
  • Därför Therefore
  • Dessutom Moreover
  • Under During
  • Trots Eventhough
  • Fastän han inte var redo Although he wasn't ready
  • Trots att jag inte fick Eventhough I wasn't allowed
  • Vi jobbade under julen We were working during Christmas
  • Han guidade mig medans jag körde He guided me while I was driving
  • Och därför gjorde jag det inte And therefore I didn't do it
  • Jag har fortfarande inte skrivit det I haven't written it yet
  • Dessutom skrev vissa kvinnor böcker på den tiden Moreover, certain women wrote books at that time
  • Jag köpte inte tidningen eftersom I didn't buy the newspaper since
  • Efter en stund så trodde jag After a while I thought
  • Trots att jag betalade tidningen Eventhough I paid for the newspaper
  • Jag skrev en bok I wrote a book
  • Har du någonsin köpt serietidningar? Have you ever bought comic books?
  • Brödtext Body text
  • Broschyr Leaflet
  • Han brukade tänka att He used to think that
  • Han hade alltid drömt om att få äga He had always dreamt about owning
  • Han hade tillräckligt He had enough
  • Men de var där But they were there
  • Många befarades döda Many feared dead
  • Ingress Ingress

All None

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