English 6 NP

The exercise was created 2024-05-02 by tyra28. Question count: 34.

Select questions (34)

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  • notorious ökänd/välbekant
  • sticklers a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour. (som alltid beter sig på samma sätt)
  • scuttle to move quickly, with small steps especially in order to escape
  • sacrifice giving up something valuable, to attain something greater
  • raw deal a situation in which someone receives harsh or unfair treatment
  • notions tankar, (hur de ser på rättvisa)
  • arranged put in order. Ordnade
  • designated utsedd
  • allotted tilldelas
  • accurate correct in all details, describing the truth
  • diversity mångfald
  • loaded laddat
  • biases fördomar
  • inaccessible otillgänglig
  • awareness medvetenhet
  • accompany följer
  • opponents someone who competes with somebody in a contest, in a game or an argument
  • wage lön
  • decent socially accepted, agreeing with standards of proper behaviour
  • dignified värdigt
  • dependents anhörig
  • garment klädesplagg
  • labour work, especially physical work. Arbete
  • track record meritlista
  • enhancing höja, förbättra
  • endorsements rekommendationer
  • lure lockbetet
  • incentive a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
  • outweigh väger tyngre, överväger
  • probability sannolikhet
  • alluring lockande
  • altogether helt och hållet
  • exchange utbyte
  • legitimizing to make something legal or acceptable

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