English common words

The exercise was created 2024-01-22 by nigelbourne. Question count: 50.

Select questions (50)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • när when
  • var where
  • varför why
  • vad what
  • vilken which
  • vem who
  • hur how
  • saker things
  • dag day
  • där there
  • väldigt very
  • människor people
  • veta know
  • arbete work
  • också also
  • land country
  • ändra change
  • ibland sometimes
  • kanske maybe
  • gick went
  • visa show
  • tillsammans together
  • men but
  • för att because
  • olika different
  • berättelse story
  • aldrig never
  • bara only
  • viktigt important
  • år years
  • fråga ask
  • igår yesterday
  • utan without
  • förklara explain
  • beskriva describe
  • erfarenhet experience
  • miljö environment
  • ganska quite
  • tyst quiet
  • under during
  • utbildning education
  • fortsätta continue
  • använda use
  • flera several
  • komma ihåg remember
  • sida page
  • svårt difficult
  • vanligtvis usually
  • bestämma decide
  • storlek size

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