English false friends

The exercise was created 2023-09-05 by beyzakackin06. Question count: 69.

Select questions (69)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • verkliga actual
  • aktuell burning
  • gränd alley
  • alle avenue
  • verksam crafty
  • kraftig sturdy
  • skrivbord desk
  • disken counter
  • gymmet gymnasium
  • gymnasium high school
  • laga cook
  • maträtt dish
  • koka boil
  • disk dishes
  • känslig delicate
  • delikat delicious
  • vänlig genial
  • genial ingenious
  • halt lame
  • lam paralyzed
  • förslag motion
  • motion exercise
  • erbjuda offer
  • offrade sacrificed
  • körde om overtook
  • övertog took over
  • tillstånd permission
  • permission leave
  • proviant provisions
  • provision commission
  • foto photograph
  • fotograf photographer
  • bevis proof
  • prover samples
  • förhastat rash
  • rask rapid
  • kvitto receipt
  • recept(doktor) prescription
  • recept recipe
  • läkare physician
  • fysiker physicist
  • fysik physics
  • fysik(body) physique
  • allmänheten public
  • publik audience
  • presenterade introduced
  • dök upp, kom presented
  • hyra rent
  • åsikt opinion
  • räntan interest
  • opinionen the public opinion
  • blinkade winked
  • vinkade waved
  • träsk swamp
  • svamp sponge
  • svamp(skog) mushroom
  • handled wrist
  • vrister ankles
  • religiösa skrifter tracts
  • trakt region
  • ventil valve
  • valv arch
  • valv(kassa) vault
  • begrepp concept
  • koncept, utkast draft
  • därför consequently
  • konsekvent consistently
  • filial branch
  • bransch industry

All None

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