English irregular verbs 'F, G' 6th grade

The exercise was created 2020-04-22 by nicolech85. Question count: 17.

Select questions (17)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • falla, föll, fallit fall, fell, fallen
  • mata, matade, matat feed, fed, fed
  • känna, kände, känt feel, felt, felt
  • kämpa/slåss, kämpade/slogs, kämpat/slagits fight, fought, fought
  • hitta, hittade, hittat find, found, found
  • flyga, flög, flugit fly, flew, flown
  • glömma, glömde, glömt forget, forgot, forgotten
  • frysa (ned), frös, frusit freeze, froze, frozen
  • få/hämta, fick/hämtade, fått/hämtat get, got, got
  • ge, gav, givit give, gave, given
  • Jag har slagits idag I have fought today
  • du har hittat boken you have found the book
  • han har flugit till Australien idag he has flown to Australia today
  • hon har fått en gul bok she has got a yellow book
  • vi har glömt we have forgotten
  • ni har matat fågeln you have fed the bird
  • de har fallit they have fallen

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