Everything in anatomy 2 (blandat)

The exercise was created 2024-09-12 by modigamodi. Question count: 192.

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  • thyroid gland secretion T3, T4, Calcitonin
  • Largest endocrine gland thyroid gland
  • Inferior alveolar branch mental nerve
  • Phrenic nerve branch of cervical plexus
  • Origin of Phrenic nerve ventral rami of C3-C5 cervical nerves
  • Phrenic nerve start at the lateral border of anterior scalene muscle
  • Facial nerve 7th cranial nerve
  • Terminal branches of Facial nerve Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical branch
  • Facial nerve exit the skull stylomastoid foramen
  • Facial nerve enters the skull internal accoustic meatus
  • Facial nerve origin Brainstem at the pons
  • Thyrocervical trunk branches Inferior thyroid artery, superficial cervical artery, suprascapular artery
  • Thyrocervical trunk arises 1st part of the subclavian artery on the medial aspect of anterior scalene muscle
  • terminal branches of ECA maxillary artery and superficial temporal artery
  • muscles of mastication temporalis, masseter, lateral- and medial pterygoid muscles
  • 5th cranial nerve Trigeminal nerve
  • abducent nerve 6th cranial nerve
  • 4th cranial nerve trochlear nerve
  • 3rd cranial nerve oculomotor nerve
  • 2nd cranial nerve optic nerve
  • 1st cranial nerve olfactory nerve
  • 8th cranial nerve vestibulocochlear nerve
  • 9th cranial nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve
  • 10th cranial nerve vagus nerve
  • 11th cranial nerve accessory nerve
  • 12th cranial nerve hypoglossal nerve
  • temporal fossa region above the zygomatic arch
  • temporalis muscle origin temporal fossa
  • covering of temporalis muscle temporal fascia
  • infratemporal fossa region below the zygomatic arch
  • content of infratemporal fossa medial and lateral pterygoid muscles
  • innervation of mastication muscles mandibular branch
  • inferior to temporal fossa the infratemporal fossa
  • boundaries of infratemporal fossa roof-zygomatic arch, laterally-Ramus of mandible, Medially- lateral pterygoid plate, inferiorly- angle of mandible, posteriorly-mastoid process
  • ophthalmic nerve type sensory nerve
  • first division of trigeminal ophthalmic division
  • entrance of ophthalmic nerve superior orbital fissure via lateral wall of cavernous sinus
  • branches of ophtalmic nerve lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary nerve
  • innervation of lacrimal nerve lacrimal gland and upper eye lid laterally
  • frontal nerve’s 2 parts supratrochlear nerve, supraorbital nerve
  • branches of nasociliary nerve posterior ethmoidal nerve, anterior ethmoidal nerve, infratrochlear nerve, long ciliary nerve
  • mandibular nerve consisting of small motor root and large sensory root
  • nervus spinosus (sensory nerve) branch from main trunk of Mandibular nerve
  • branch from main trunk of Mandibular nerve nerve to medial pterygoid (motor nerve)
  • terminal branch of facial artery angular artery
  • terminal branch of maxillary artery sphenopalatine artery
  • only motor branch of glossopharyngeal nerve stylopharyngeus muscle
  • Right principal bronchus larger and wider than left one
  • left prinicipal bronchus greater distance between bifurcation and left lung hilum
  • Bronchial tree formed by trachea and two principal bronchi
  • bronchi innervation pulmonary branches of vagus nerve
  • blood supply of bronchi branches of bronchial artery
  • the azygos vein arches over right main bronchus
  • inferior to aortic arch passes left main bronchus and crosses anterior to esophagus
  • Length of trachea 10-12 cm
  • length of esophagus 25 cm
  • length of thoracic duct 45 cm
  • divides inside the lungs left main bronchus
  • divides before its entry into the lung right main bronchus
  • contents of pulmonary root eparterial bronchus, pulmonary artery, hyparterial bronchus, inferior pulmonary vein
  • covering of pulmonary root mediastinal pleura
  • location of pulmonary root opposite to the bodies of T5-T7 vertebrae
  • types of pleura cervical pleura, costal pleura, mediastinal pleura, diaphragmatic pleura
  • outer layer of pleura parietal pleura
  • inner layer of pleura visceral pleura
  • between parietal and visceral pleura pleural cavity
  • suprahyoid muscles digastric muscle, mylohyoid muscle, Geniohyoid muscle, stylohyoid muscle
  • infrahyoid muscles sternohyoid muscle, omohyoid muscle, sternothyroid muscle, thyrohyoid muscle
  • branching of respiratory tree Trachea, main bronchus, lobar bronchus, segmental bronchus, subsegmental bronchus, conducting bronchiole, terminal bronchiole, respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, alveolar sac, alveolus
  • facial nerve contains both motor, sensory and parasympathetic nerve fibers
  • Temporal branch frontalis muscle (raises the eyebrows) + orbicularis oculi muscle (closes eyelid)
  • Zygomatic branch orbicularis oculi
  • Buccal branch buccinator muscle ( blowing air from the mouth) + muscles of upper lip
  • mandibular branch muscles of lower lip and chin
  • cervical branch platysma muscle
  • Within the parotid gland innervation of muscles of facial expression
  • another name for motor root branchiomotor
  • before facial nerve enter parotid gland posterior auricular nerve, nerve to stylohyoid, nerve to posterior belly of digastric muscle arises
  • Parasympathetic fibers carried by greater petrosal nerve to the lacrimal gland and sublingual and submandibular glands for salivation
  • taste fibers of facial nerve from anterior 2/3 of the tongue via the chorda tympani which hitchhikes within posterior division of the lingular nerve to transmit taste buds on the tongue to the brain
  • General somatic afferent fibers control touch, pain and temperature by transmitting sensory information.
  • nerve to stapedius muscle innervates stapedius muscle in the middle ear
  • smallest muscle in our body stapedius muscle
  • parasympathetic fibers centrally connected superior salivatory nucleus
  • branchiomotor fibers centrally connected Principal nucleus of facial nerve
  • taste fibers centrally connected Tractus solitarius
  • general somatic afferent fibers connected Trigeminal nuclear system
  • division of frontal nerve on the frontal bone area supratrochlear nerve and supraorbital nerve
  • supratrochlear innervation central forehead and upper eyelid
  • supraorbital innervation forehead above the orbit and upper eyelid
  • the maxillary nerve 2nd division of trigeminal nerve
  • maxillary nerve is below the ophthalmic nerve
  • Maxillary nerve pure sensory nerve
  • Maxillary nerve entering foramen rotundum
  • before maxillary nerve exit the skull it gives out a meningeal branch
  • forming greater and lesser palatine nerves pterygopalatine ganglion recieves sensory fibers from maxillary nerve
  • pterygopalatine fossa form The nasopalatine nerve
  • maxillary nerve exiting pterygopalatine fossa via the pterygomaxillary fissure
  • branches of maxillary nerve meningeal branches, two roots to the pterygopalatine ganglion, zygomatic nerve, posterior superior alveolar nerve, infraorbital nerve
  • zygomatic nerve from maxillary nerve zygomatico-temporal nerve and zygomatico-facial nerve
  • infraorbital nerve middle superior alveolar nerve, twigs to maxillary air sinus, anterior superior alveolar nerve, inferior palpebral nerve, lateral nasal nerve, superior labial nerve
  • Anterior superior alveolar nerve innervation Anterior to teeth (central incisors, lateral incisors and canine)
  • Middle superior alveolar nerve innervation middle of the teeth ( 1st premolar, 2nd premolar, mesiobuccal root of the upper six)
  • Posterior superior alveolar nerve innervation Posterior teeth, maxillary sinus
  • Terminal branches of maxillary nerve palpebral branch, nasal branch, labial branch
  • sensory root of mandibular nerve originating from trigeminal ganglion
  • motor root of mandibular nerve originating from motor nucleus in the pons
  • Branches of mandibular nerve nervus spinosus, medial pterygoid nerve, deep temporal nerves, masseter nerve, lateral pterygoid nerve, buccal nerve, auriculotemporal nerve, lingual nerve, inferior alveolar nerve, mental nerve, mylohyoid nerve, incisive nerve
  • when medial pterygoid nerve goes to the otic ganglion gives out tensor palati nerve and tensor tympani nerve
  • taste fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve to posterior 1/3 of the tongue
  • taste fibers from facial nerve anterior 2/3 of the tongue
  • carotid sinus controlled by glossopharyngeal nerve control of blood pressure
  • carotid body controlled by glossopharyngeal nerve controls oxygen levels
  • glossopharyngeal exit skull passes through middle compartment of jugular foramen
  • Glossopharyngeal passes between ICA and ECA over posterior border of stylopharyngeus muscle
  • Glossopharyngeal finally passes on the medial surface of hyoglossus to reach posterior 1/3 of the tongue
  • Branches of glossopharyngeal tympanic branch, carotid branch, pharyngeal branch, nerve to stylopharyngeus muscle, tonsillar branch, terminal lingual branches
  • tympanic branch (glossopharyngeal) arises directly below jugular foramen and forms tympanic plexus and forms lesser petrosal nerve in the middle ear
  • carotid branch (glossopharyngeal) supplies carotid sinus (regulates heart rate) and carotid body (regulates respiration)
  • Pharyngeal branch (glossopharyngeal) lateral wall of the middle constrictor muscle of the pharynx
  • Nerve to stylopharyngeus muscle only motor branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
  • Tonsillar branch (glossopharyngeal) supplies palate, fauces and tonsils from mucous membrane
  • Terminal lingual branches (glossopharyngeal) supply posterior 1/3 of the tongue + vallate papillae
  • Origin of vagus nerve anterior surface of the medulla oblongata on the posterolateral groove
  • terminal branches of internal carotid artery anterior and middle cerebral arteries
  • glossopharyngeal nerve exit skull via jugular foramen
  • the right lung larger than left lung
  • the left lung smaller than right lung
  • heart location middle mediastinum
  • larger and heavier the right lung
  • smaller and lighter the left lung
  • function of lung get oxygen from the air to the blood, performed by the alveoli
  • left lung one fissure (oblique) and two lobes (superior and inferior lobe)
  • right lung two fissures (oblique, transverse) and three lobes (superior, middle, inferior)
  • pulmonary veins transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium
  • pulmonary trunk (pulmonary artery) transports deoxygenated blood from the heart towards the lungs
  • the bronchial arteries supply nutritive blood to the lungs
  • lungs innervation supplied by sympathetic, parasympathetic and visceral afferent fibers from pulmonary plexus
  • sphenoid sinus, posterior ethmoidal air cells innervation by posterior ethmoidal nerve
  • anterior ethmoidal air cells innervation by anterior ethmoidal nerve
  • zygomatic nerve branches zygomaticotemporal nerve and zygomaticofacial nerve
  • anterior division of Mandibular nerve (motor) deep temporal nerve, masseter nerve, lateral pterygoid nerve
  • anterior division of Mandibular nerve (sensory) Buccal nerve
  • posterior division of Mandibular nerve (sensory) auriculotemporal nerve, inferior alveolar nerve (mixed), lingual nerve
  • posterior division of Mandibular nerve (motor) mylohyoid nerve, inferior alveolar nerve
  • parietal pleura covers the internal surface of the thoracic cavity
  • mediastinal pleura covers the lateral aspect of the mediastinum
  • cervical pleura lines the extension of the pleural cavity into the neck
  • costal pleura covers the inner aspect of the ribs, costal cartilages, and intercostal muscles
  • diaphragmatic pleura covers the superior thoracic surface of the diaphragm
  • visceral pleura covers the outer surface of the lungs
  • Costomediastinal recess lies behind the sternum between the front of the thoracic wall and the mediastinum along anterior border of the lung
  • costodiaphragmatic recess lies between the thoracic wall and the diaphragm along the lower border of the lung
  • extends from 8th-10th rib along the mid-axillary line Costodiaphragmatic recess!
  • area between the right and left lung The mediastinum
  • right border of heart formed by right atrium
  • left border of heart formed by left ventricle
  • inferior border of heart formed by left ventricle
  • superior border of heart formed by right and left atrium
  • thoracic sympathetic trunk 12 pairs of thoracic ganglia
  • palatomaxillary suture the meeting point between the paired maxillae and paired palatine bones
  • intermaxillary suture separates right and left palatine palatine process of maxilla
  • Interpalatine suture the meeting point in the midline between the paired horizontal plates of each palatine bone
  • nerv supply of hard palate Greater palatine nerve + nasopalatine nerve
  • Blood supply of hard palate Greater palatine artery
  • separates nasopharynx from oropharynx The soft palate
  • Tensor veli palatini Tenses and flattens the soft palate
  • Levator veli palatini elevates the soft palate, closing the nasal cavity during swallowing
  • Palatoglossus elevates the back of the tongue and lowers the soft palate
  • Palatopharyngeus helps to elevate the pharynx and larynx during speaking and swallowing
  • Musculus uvulae shortens and lifts the uvula to close of the nasopharynx for swallowing
  • choana nasal respiration
  • Anterior cranial fossa formed by frontal bone, ethmoid bone, sphenoid bone
  • crista galli a bony crest formed by the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone + attachment for the falx cerebri
  • foramen cecum between frontal crest and crista galli + connects nasal cavity with superior sagittal sinus
  • jugum sphenoidale superior surface of anterior part of the body of sphenoid
  • cribriform plate of ethmoid bone forms the roof of nasal cavity
  • anterior ethmoidal nerve branch of nasociliary nerve
  • anterior ethmoidal artery branch of ophthalmic artery
  • Dural venous sinuses located between the periosteal and meningeal layers of dura mater
  • superior sagittal sinus begins anteriorly at the foramen cecum and ends posteriorly at the confluence of sinuses
  • inferior Sagittal sinus + Great cerebral vein forms straight sinus
  • dilated space on internal occipital protuberance the confluence of sinuses
  • passing through cavernous sinus internal carotid artery + abducent nerve VI
  • passing through lateral wall of cavernous sinus oculmotor, trochlear, ophthalmic, maxillary nerves
  • the mandible two rami one body
  • boundaries of infratemporal fossa anterior: posterior surface of maxilla, medial: lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid, roof: apex of the orbit, lateral: ramus and coronoid process of mandible
  • pterygopalatine fossa small bony space, pyramidal in shape
  • branches of cervical plexus Lesser occipital nerve, greater auricular nerve, transverse cervical nerve, supraclavicular nerve
  • amount of alveoli in human lungs 480 million alveoli
  • function of fissures The fissures in the lung allow the lobes to expand independently, helping the lung expand uniformly for more efficient air intake during respiration
  • innervation of lungs parasympathetic by vagus nerves, sympathetic by 2-5 thoracic ganglia

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