Fast Food

The exercise was created 2022-10-25 by emlanpemlannnnnn. Question count: 29.

Select questions (29)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Ursprungligen Originally
  • Förvånande Surprising
  • Faktiskt, Egentligen Really
  • Företag Company
  • Ursprungliga, första Original
  • Korv Sausage
  • Garnering Topping
  • Krydda Relish
  • Senap Mustard
  • Lök Onion
  • Till och med Even
  • Vegetarisk Vegetarian
  • Dyka upp Appear
  • Efter kristus Anno Domini
  • Annorlunda Different
  • Jäsa Ferment
  • Vinäger Vinegar
  • Raw
  • Tillagad Cooked
  • Huvudsakligen Mainly
  • Fattig Poor
  • Vad som helst Anything
  • Köttbulle Meat ball
  • Invandrare Immigrant
  • Nudel Noodle
  • Vete Wheat
  • Mjöl Flour
  • Form Shape
  • Buljong, köttspad Broth

All None

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