Flips/An Alien on Earth + verbs W 39

The exercise was created 2018-09-27 by 10385. Question count: 23.

Select questions (23)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • flip volt
  • in the countryside på landet
  • try it out pröva, testa
  • alien rymdvarelse; främling
  • on Earth på jorden
  • review recension
  • blockbuster kassasuccé
  • spaceship rymdskepp
  • shine shone lysa lyste
  • forest skog
  • extra-terrastrial utomjording
  • visitor besökare
  • van skåpbil
  • get lost gå vilse
  • fly flew flyga flög
  • realise inse
  • left behind kvarlämnad
  • all alone alldeles ensam
  • find found found hitta hittade hittat
  • forget forgot forgotten glömma glömde glömt
  • get got got få fick fått
  • give gave given ge gav gett
  • go went gone gå gick gått / åka åkte åkt

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