Genitiv med apostrof eller of-genitiv

The exercise was created 2023-09-13 by Mariannewange. Question count: 15.

Select questions (15)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • the teacher's books lärarens böcker
  • the teachers' books lärarnas böcker
  • the boy's dog pojkens hund
  • the boys' dog pojkarnas hund
  • the dog's tail hundens svans
  • the dogs' tails hundarnas svansar
  • the child's mother barnets mor
  • the children's mother barnens mor
  • the shape of the tooth tandens form
  • the days of the week veckans dagar
  • the price of the car priset på bilen
  • the months of the year årets månader
  • the capital of the country landets huvudstad
  • the streets of the old town den gamla stadens gator
  • the high speed of the train tågets höga hastighet

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