Glosor till S:t Göran & Draken

The exercise was created 2015-10-18 by lisa_bendall. Question count: 16.

Select questions (16)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • genus, genera kön, släkt, börd
  • civitas, civitates stad
  • draco, dracones drake
  • fuga flykt
  • accedere, -cessi, -cessus gå mot/till
  • inficere, infeci, infectus förgifta
  • compellere, compuli tvinga
  • ovis, oves får
  • furor, furores raseri
  • sedare blidka, lugna
  • invadere, invasi, invasus gå mot, angripa
  • aër, aëres luft
  • paene nästan
  • deficere, defeci, defectus vara slut, saknas
  • adiungere, adiunxi, adiunctus lägga till
  • tribuere, tribui, tributus tilldela, ge

All None

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