Glosor v.40 åk 5

The exercise was created 2022-09-30 by danielhaggvik. Question count: 20.

Select questions (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • en gång för länge sedan once upon a time
  • det är ok it is alright
  • gå med i klubben join the club
  • köpte bought
  • trodde thought
  • jag lärde honom att läsa I taught him to read
  • underbar wonderful
  • ta några få take a few
  • du behöver vara medlem you need to be a member
  • vad är lösenordet? what is the password?
  • beskriv problemet describe the problem
  • det blev bara värre it only became worse
  • dom här sakerna these things
  • han har en katt he has a cat
  • dom har en hund they have a dog
  • ha tålamod have patience
  • leta search
  • jag har en idé I have an idea
  • vilken ska jag välja? which one should I choose?
  • vad skulle vi göra? what were we supposed to do?

All None

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