Going steady

The exercise was created 2016-11-21 by Aire. Question count: 45.

Select questions (45)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • kämpande struggling
  • elda upp massorna rally the masses
  • uppror riot
  • enormt immensely
  • erövning conquest
  • rast recess
  • vara förtjust i have a crush on
  • stirra på gaze
  • foglig, mild docile
  • illa till mods, olustig queasy
  • blyg coy
  • flåsande breathy
  • smyga sig ut sneak out
  • sten (liten) pebble
  • ungefär roughly
  • kuttra coo
  • sten rock
  • ömsint tender
  • läcker delicious
  • återerövra reclaim
  • trädgård backyard
  • trampolin diving board
  • uppriktig earnest
  • bål punch
  • fast besluten determined
  • få sagt vad jag ville säga speak my piece
  • egendom property
  • ryggrad backbone
  • ynklig, feg spineless
  • viljesvag weak-willed
  • uthållig, långvarig enduring
  • stå fast vid något, inte ge vika stand one's ground
  • prestation achievement
  • oemotståndlig irresistible
  • vara ihop going steady
  • glad cheerful
  • fnittra giggle
  • marionettdocka puppet
  • trösta comfort
  • halsfluss laryngitis
  • tyvärr unfortunately
  • bildlektion art class
  • krama embrace
  • uggla owl
  • smyga sig ut sneak out

All None

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