Good Bad Billionare - Rihanna

The exercise was created 2023-09-26 by Aliciabettermyr. Question count: 32.

Select questions (32)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Offensive Disrespectful, attacking (kränkande)
  • Decency Respectability (anständighet)
  • To ace something Do something very successfully (göra bra ifrån sig)
  • Coincidence Destiny, chance, accident (sammanträffande)
  • Give someone a leg To help advance (att hjälpa någon)
  • Pay lip-service To say that you agree with something but do nothing to support it (läpparnas bekännelse)
  • A game changer Someone or something that affect the result of a game very much (spelväxlare)
  • Asset A useful or valuable thing or person (tillgång)
  • Savvy Smart (smart)
  • Stunned So chocked that one is temporarily unable to react (överväldigad)
  • Self-made Made by oneself (självgjord)
  • Consumption Use, using up (konsumtion/förbrukning)
  • Down to earth Practical, reasonable, friendly (jordnära)
  • Stern Serious, strict (sträng)
  • Modest Humble, reserved (blygsam)
  • Determined Set on (bestämd)
  • Core Central, key (kärna)
  • Connection Link (förbindelse)
  • Unavoidable Inescapable (Oundviklig)
  • Accountant A person whose job it is to keep, inspect and analyze financial accounts (revisor)
  • Falling out Disagreement (bråk)
  • Provide a livelihood Provide an income or means of survival (förse med levebröd)
  • Commissions Orders (ordrar)
  • Way beyond her means Spend more money than you have (spenderar mer än vad man har)
  • Embody Be a symbol of (förkroppsliga)
  • Acquire Gain (få)
  • Property Belongings (egendom)
  • Launch Set in motion (lansering)
  • Luxury goods Luxurious things (lyxvaror)
  • Presumably I assume (förmodligen)
  • Consistent Steady (konsekvent)
  • Relentlessly In an increasingly intense or harsh way (obarmhärtig)

All None

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