grammatiktest 20240517

The exercise was created 2024-05-17 by MAVA005. Question count: 45.

Select questions (45)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • arbeta, arbetade, arbetat work, worked, worked
  • köra, körde, kört drive, drove, driven
  • vara, var, varit be, was, been
  • dricka, drack, druckit drink, drank, drunk
  • skära, skar, skurit cut, cut, cut
  • köpa, köpte, köpt buy, bought, bought
  • Detta är min bil. Bilen är min. This is my car. The car is mine.
  • Detta är din bil. Bilen är din. This is your car. The car is yours.
  • Detta är hans bil. Bilen är hans. This is his car. The car is his.
  • Detta är hennes bil. Bilen är hennes. This is her car. The car is hers.
  • Detta är vår bil. Bilen är vår. This is our car. The car is ours.
  • Detta är deras bil. Bilen är deras. This is their car. The car is theirs.
  • vad what
  • vilken which
  • vem who
  • när when
  • var where
  • varför why
  • hur how
  • du är youre, you're, your
  • hans hes, he's, his
  • Var? where, were, we're
  • vilken wich, which, witch
  • vem how, why, who
  • hur how, who, why
  • också two, too, to
  • barn, barn child, children
  • tand, tänder tooth, teeth
  • kvinna, kvinnor woman, women
  • man, män man, men
  • löv, löv leaf, leaves
  • box, boxar box, boxes
  • kniv, knivar knife, knives
  • stad, städer city, cities
  • teaterpjäs, teaterpjäser play, plays
  • tomat, tomater tomato, tomatoes
  • varg, vargar wolf, wolves
  • mus, möss mouse, mice
  • jag, mig I, me
  • du, dig you, you
  • han, honom he, him
  • hon, henne she, her
  • vi, oss we, us
  • de, dem they, them
  • ni, er you, you

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