grönsakerna (las verduras)

The exercise was created 2017-05-15 by Herberth_garcia. Question count: 24.

Select questions (24)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • salladshuvudet la lechuga
  • gurkan el pepino
  • paprikan el pimiento
  • tomaten el tomate
  • potatisen la patata, la papa
  • moroten la zanahoria
  • kronärtskockan la alcachofa
  • sellerin el apio
  • löken la cebolla
  • sötpotatisen la batata, el camote
  • aubergine la berenjena
  • broccolin el brócoli
  • squash el calabacín
  • champinjonen el champiñón, la seta
  • kålen el col, el repollo
  • brysselkål las coles de Bruselas
  • blomkålen la coliflor
  • sparrisen el espárrago
  • ärtorna el guisante, la arveja
  • bönan la judía, la habichuela, el poroto, el frijol
  • majsen el maíz, el choclo
  • rädisa el rábano
  • rödbetan la remolacha, la betarraga
  • pumpan el zapallo, la calabaza

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