Happy 5 och Skills 6 oregelbundna verb

The exercise was created 2021-11-22 by edenskolan. Question count: 16.

Select questions (16)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • ta, tog, tagit take, took, taken
  • lägga, lade, lagt (sätta, satte, satt) put, put, put
  • rida, red, ridit ride, rode, ridden
  • göra, gjorde, gjort do, did, done
  • vara, var, varit be, was, been
  • klippa, klippte, klippt cut, cut, cut
  • simma, simmade, simmat swim, swam, swum
  • sova, sov, sovit sleep, slept, slept
  • se, såg, sett see, saw, seen
  • åka, åkte, åkt go, went, gone
  • flyga, flög, flugit fly, flew, flown
  • äta, åt, ätit eat, ate, eaten
  • drömma, drömde, drömt dream, dreamt, dreamt
  • läsa, läste, läst read, read, read
  • skriva, skrev, skrivit write, wrote, written
  • springa, sprang, sprungit run, ran, run

All None

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