Happy Holidays

The exercise was created 2021-12-07 by SagaLandstrom. Question count: 43.

Select questions (43)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • Celebrate Fira
  • Holiday Högtid
  • Differently Annorlunda
  • Opportunity Möjlighet
  • Traditions Traditioner
  • Create Skapa
  • Instead of Istället för
  • African-Americans Afroamerikaner
  • Kinara Traditionell Kwanzaajulstake
  • Unity Sammanhållning
  • Self-determination Självbestämmande
  • Working together Jobba tillsammans
  • Purpose Syfte
  • Creativity Kreativitet
  • Faith Tro
  • Traditional Traditionella
  • Struggle Kamp
  • Represent Representerar
  • Fertile Fertil, bördig
  • Feast Festmåltid
  • Corn on the cob Majskolv
  • Kwanzaa Första frukterna
  • Jewish Judisk
  • Doughnut Donut
  • Menorah Traditionell Hannukah-ljusstake
  • Night-time Kvällstid
  • Event Evenemang
  • Huge Jättelik
  • Install Installera
  • Multicultural Multikulturellt
  • Dreidel Traditionell Hannukah-snurra
  • Top Snurra
  • Placing bets Slå vad
  • Coin Mynt
  • Raisin Russin
  • Matchstick Tändsticka
  • Latke Potatispannkaka
  • Popular Populär
  • Gelt Pengar
  • Yiddish Judiskt språk
  • Foil Folie
  • Greeting Cards Hälsningskort
  • Europe Europa

All None

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