Harry's family meningar

The exercise was created 2022-01-29 by 90danhck. Question count: 10.

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Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • En expedit jobbar i en butik. A shop-assistant works in a store.
  • Mina föräldrar är skilda. My parents are divorced.
  • England, Skottland och Wales är de tre länderna i Storbritannien. England, Scotland and Wales are the three countries of Great Britain.
  • En domare kan springa tretton kilometer under en fotbollsmatch. A referee can run thirteen kilometers during a football match.
  • De flesta har långbyxor på sig under vintern. Most people wear trousers during the winter.
  • Jag behöver köpa en ny tröja. I need to buy a new sweater.
  • Lindex har rea på en jättefin blus nu. There’s a sale on this beautiful blouse at Lindex now.
  • Jag fick en fläck på min vita skjorta. I got a stain on my white shirt.
  • Jag är nästan elva år gammal. I’m nearly eleven years old.
  • Min farbror jobbar som lastbilschaufför. My uncle works as a lorry driver.

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