History of the United States

The exercise was created 2021-10-24 by 10385. Question count: 20.

Select questions (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • opportunity möjlighet
  • discover upptäcka
  • independent självständig
  • colony koloni
  • Native American indian, urinvånare
  • settler nybyggare
  • force against one's will tvinga mot någons vilja
  • civil war inbördeskrig
  • abolish slavery avskaffa slaveri
  • rights rättigheter
  • unfair orättvis
  • divided uppdelat
  • equality jämlikhet
  • diverse mångskiftande
  • citizen medborgare
  • hear, heard, heard höra, hörde, hört
  • give, gave, given ge, gav, gett
  • win, won, won vinna, vann, vunnit
  • mean, meant, meant betyda, betydde, betytt
  • fight, fought, fought slå, slog, slagit

All None

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