Holes Phrases 5-7

The exercise was created 2022-04-26 by FrancaisJessica. Question count: 23.

Select questions (23)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • the shovel felt heavy spaden kändes tung
  • he woke everyone up han väckte alla
  • near the showers nära duscharna
  • if you find anything interesting om ni hittar något intressant
  • unusual ovanligt
  • the ground was hardest at the surface marken var hårdast på ytan
  • he was born han föddes
  • older than him äldre än honom
  • compete tävla
  • get married gifta sig
  • empty tomt
  • she agreed to help him hon gick med på att hjälpa honom
  • carry me up the mountain bära mig uppför berget
  • truck lastbil
  • they took their towels de tog sina handdukar
  • in a bad mood på dåligt humör
  • his head was shaved hans huvud var rakat
  • he returned to the office han återvände till kontoret
  • bald flintskallig
  • he was relieved han var lättad
  • he was innocent han var oskyldig
  • spit spat spat spotta spottade spottat
  • recognize them känna igen dem

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