How Not to Be Ignorant about the World

The exercise was created 2017-12-04 by Gracielis. Question count: 26.

Select questions (26)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • fattigdom poverty
  • minska decrease
  • vulkanutbrott vulcanic eruptions
  • torka drought
  • vara medveten om be aware of
  • okunskap ignorance
  • förutfattade meningar preconceived ideas
  • förödande devastating
  • skrämmande appalling
  • mässlingen measles
  • procentsats percentage
  • representativ representative
  • sensationell sensational
  • skev skewed
  • generalisera generalise
  • orsakssamband causality
  • förtroende, självförtroende confidence
  • öka increase
  • medvetenhet awareness
  • kunnig knowledgeable
  • missuppfattning misconception
  • tumregel rule of thumb
  • förbättra improve
  • ansöka apply to
  • systematisk systematic
  • prognos forecast

All None

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