Insights 5 - science glossary

The exercise was created 2022-05-28 by HenrikOjala. Question count: 27.

Select questions (27)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

All None

  • analyse analysera
  • discover upptäcka
  • examine undersöka, granska
  • invent uppfinna
  • investigate undersöka, utreda
  • research undersöka, forska
  • study studera, undersöka noggrant
  • inventor uppfinnare
  • innovator innovatör, nyskapare
  • researcher forskare
  • scientist vetenskapsman
  • assertion påstående
  • control group kontrollgrupp
  • deduction slutledning
  • evidence bevis
  • examination undersökning
  • hypothesis hypotes
  • inquiry efterforskning, utredning
  • investigation undersökning
  • placebo placebo
  • prediction förutsägelse, antagande
  • precision precision
  • research forskning
  • study studie
  • theory teori
  • trial and error försök och misstag
  • variable variabel

All None

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