Irregular verbs 5

The exercise was created 2024-02-16 by ElinGB. Question count: 12.

Select questions (12)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • Slår - slog - (har) slagit smite - smote - smitten
  • frodas - frodades - (har) frodats thrive - thrived - thrived
  • klättrar - klättrade - (har) klättrat climb - climbed - climbed
  • hänger - hängde - (har) hängt hang - hung - hung
  • spetsar/sätter upp - spetsade/satte upp - (har) spetsat/satt upp stick - stuck - stuck
  • lägger bud på - lade bud på - (har) lagt bud på bid - bid - bid
  • vågar - vågade - (har) vågat dare - dared - dared
  • delar ut - delade ut - (har) delat ut deal - dealt - dealt
  • luktar - luktade - (har) luktat smell - smelt - smelled
  • stavar - stavade - (har) stavat spell - spelt - spelled
  • lånar - lånade - (har) lånat lend - lent - lent
  • spiller - spillde - (har) spillt spill - spilt - spilled

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