Irregular verbs ring - show

The exercise was created 2023-05-17 by Mariannewange. Question count: 20.

Select questions (20)

Normally, all words in an exercise is used when performing the test and playing the games. You can choose to include only a subset of the words. This setting affects both the regular test, the games, and the printable tests.

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  • ring rang rung ringa ringde ringt
  • rise rose risen stiga upp steg upp stigit upp
  • run ran run springa sprang sprungit
  • say said said säga sade sagt
  • see saw seen se såg sett
  • sell sold sold sälja sålde sålt
  • send sent sent skicka skickade skickat
  • shake shook shaken skaka skakade skakat
  • shoot shot shot skjuta sköt skjutit
  • show showed shown visa visade visat
  • Did you hear that someone rang on your door? Hörde du att någon ringde på din dörr?
  • They showed us the apartment yesterday. De visade oss lägenheten igår.
  • It is so beautiful to see when the sun rises. Det är så vackert att se när solen stiger upp.
  • Forrest Gump runs fast with the ball. Forrest Gump springer snabbt med bollen.
  • What did you say? Vad sa du?
  • I have seen too many movies now. Jag har sett alltför många filmer nu.
  • I have sold my moped now. Jag har sålt min moped nu.
  • Can you please send it to me? Kan du vara snäll och skicka den till mig?
  • They shake it when they blend it. De skakar den när de blandar den.
  • A murderer shot Martin Luther King unfortunately. En mördare sköt Martin Luther King olyckligtvis.

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